Policy of the Integrated Management System allclouds.pl sp. z o. o
We offer comprehensive, innovative, unique and competitive solutions which allows our Clients to achieve both a high functional level of implemented IT systems and a quick return on investment. All of this is possible because:
we conduct thorough analysis of the Client’s needs with the aim of understanding the essence of his requirements and busines
we keep track on the latest trends in the IT market and the economy
we build a team based on experienced specialists from many fields of computer science who constantly strive to raise their qualifications
we maintain constant and long-term relationships with business partners which enables us to obtain expert knowledge about our products
What is more, we never cease to improve management; therefore, we are able to guarantee reliability and timely implementation
We implement and improve the Integrated Management System based on the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015, PN-ISO/IEC 27001:2017, PN-EN ISO 14001:2015, PN-EN ISO 22301, PN-EN ISO/IEC 27017, PN-EN ISO/IEC 27018 standards, knowing that it will help us to get to know our customers' requirements even better and keep to the letter of law. The Integrated Management System policy presented to the company's employees has been fully understood and it constitutes a basis for setting policy goals and making it permanently useful
Environmental Policy allclouds.pl sp. z o. o.
Human impact on the environment is, without any doubt, issue of a global importance. At allclouds.pl we try to rise environmental awareness and we do our best to limit the impact of our business activities on the environment by applying an environmental management system based on PN-EN ISO 14001: 2015
According to the guidelines of the aforementioned system, the organisation and all of its employees constantly improve their qualifications in the field of environmental management in order to enhance the quality of services to protect the environment:
we reduce the use of natural resources by using recycled materials and solutions that reduce their consumption
we support recycling of consumables and devices
we develop and implement technologies that reduce electricity consumption and heat generation
The designated strategy is implemented through:
defining the context of the organisation relevant to the goal and strategic direction of its operation, as well as affecting the ability to achieve the intended results of the environmental management system
establishing, implementing and maintaining processes necessary to meet the requirements of the environmental system and defining risks and opportunities related to environmental aspects in the organisation
analyzing and maintaining stable relationships with all interested parties in the area of environmental protection
following the latest developments in the IT market
improving environmental protection in order to prevent pollution. On the one hand, by making use of the experience of the specialists certified in many fields of computer science and on the other hand; striving to raise their awareness in the area of environmental protection
setting environmental goals and taking responsibility for their implementation
ensuring the functioning of the environmental management system in accordance with legal requirements
© allclouds.pl sp. z o.o.
KRS: 0000598708 | NIP: PL5223052539 | REGON: 363597531
PN-EN ISO 9001 | PN-EN ISO/EIC 27001 | PN-EN ISO 14001
PN-EN ISO 22301 | PN-EN ISO/IEC 27017 | PN-EN ISO/IEC 27018